Welcome to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Founded in 1931, our church continues to offer many ministries for you and your families within the Christian Orthodox Church. We invite you to contact our office (603) 436-2733 or email us at stnickport@gmail.com that we might assist you in finding a spiritual home for your family.
Join us for Divine Liturgy every Sunday morning at 10:00 am followed by a fellowship coffee hour in our community center.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Coming Events:
Sunday Worship Schedule
Orthros (Matins): 9:00 am
Divine Liturgy: 10:00 am
Fellowship coffee hour following service
Lenten Services
Wednesdays and Fridays 6:30 pm
Holy Week Services
Monthly Services: Go to our Calendar
Church office hours are listed on the parish calendar.
O Come, let us Worship and bow down before our King and God.
O Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ, our King and God.
O Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, our King and God.
This invitation marks the beginning of each day for the Orthodox Church. It comes from the office of Vespers, and it expresses the attitude which is at the heart of Orthodoxy. The Worship of God — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — is fundamental to the life and spirit of the Orthodox Church. Learn More»
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Online Chapel

Meatfare Wednesday
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.